Government continues to halt fuel price hikes

Ramón Pérez Fermín, Vice-Minister of Internal Commerce, informed this Friday that the Dominican Government is once again allocating an extraordinary subsidy to fuels, which represents an economic sacrifice of approximately RD 239.3 million for this week. The objective of these subsidies is not to transfer the international price increases to consumers.

Alza De Combustibles“During the week of May 18 to 24, 2024, subsidies will be maintained for the following fuels: regular diesel will be subsidized 18.05 pesos per gallon, optimum diesel: 8.61 pesos per gallon; as for regular gasoline, more than 13 pesos per gallon, and premium more than 9 pesos per gallon, while LPG will have a subsidy of 2 pesos per gallon,” expressed the vice minister during the announcement.

“This management continues to evaluate prices in the international market, since the variation in the price of crude oil and its derivatives requires proper observation in order to take concrete actions. Consequently, this week fuels will be marketed at the following prices,” he added.


For the week of 18 to 24 May 2024, the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Mipymes provides that fuels will be marketed at the following prices:

Premium gasoline RD 290.10 per gallon maintains its price.
Regular gasoline RD 272.50 per gallon maintains its price.
Regular diesel RD 221.60 per gallon maintains its price.
Optimum diesel RD 239.10 per gallon maintains its price.
Avtur RD 195.11 per gallon drops RD 1.88.
Kerosene RD 225.10 per gallon down RD 2.00.
Fuel oil #6 RD 161.12 per gallon down RD 2.03.
Fuel oil 1%S RD 176.80 per gallon down RD 0.52.
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) RD 132.60 per gallon maintains its price.

Natural gas RD 43.97 per m3 maintains its price.
The weekly average exchange rate is RD 58.52, taken from the Central Bank’s daily publications.


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