IMF: CB measures contribute to economic recovery

The Central Bank (BCRD) held a virtual meeting with the mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), aimed at gathering economic and financial information on the country, as part of the annual consultations under Article IV of its Articles of Agreement, which corresponds to all member countries of said financial organization.

The governor of the BCRD, Héctor Valdez Albizu, informed the IMF mission, headed by the mission chief, Esteban Vesperoni, of the measures that are contributing to a rapid economic reactivation of the country after the negative effects caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, among which he highlighted the liquidity expansion measures taken by the Monetary Board, combined with the Government’s social compensation measures.

The IMF mission chief, Esteban Vesperoni, considered that, after the outbreak of the pandemic, the monetary and fiscal policy response of the Dominican Republic has been effective and decisive in the levels of recovery that are being achieved.

He expressed that “in the perception of the IMF, the reactivation achieved by the country would make one think that the DR belongs to a privileged group of emerging economies, more than the average of Latin America (LA)”.

Vesperoni concluded that the IMF is ready to begin new work aimed at consolidating the DR’s recovery and growth in 2021 and 2022.

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