Minister of Economy presents at the United Nations the public policies

The Minister of Economy, Planning and Development, Miguel Ceara Hatton indicated before the United Nations System that in order to combat the economic and social crisis caused by the health catastrophe, the Dominican Republic, like the vast majority of countries, has resorted to an arsenal of public policies consisting of assistance and social protection plans for unemployed people and those living in poverty.

In presenting the Second National Voluntary Report, a document containing the progress of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the Dominican Republic, Ceara Hatton pointed out that another measure to counteract the COVID-19 pandemic has been the increase of liquidity to avoid a banking crisis due to the insolvency of companies, as well as direct support to different productive sectors and cross-cutting sectors, such as SMEs.

During his participation mediated by digital connection in the “High Level Political Forum”, Ceara Hatton pointed out the need to create a global fund to refinance and create a new public debt profile, “for which the support and willingness of developed countries, multilateral organizations and the rest of the countries of the world is required”.

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