Non-alcoholic beverages contribute RD$55,000 MM to the DR economy

The non-alcoholic beverage industries contribute 0.96% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the Dominican Republic, with an aggregate value of 55,000 million pesos, and also generate more than 60,000 direct and indirect jobs, the sector reported Wednesday.

The executive director of the Association of Non-Alcoholic Beverages Industries of the Dominican Republic (Asibenas), Nicolle Valerio Issa, explained that, according to the organization’s figures, the sector contributes more than 15 billion pesos to the Dominican Treasury, according to a press release.

Its products are distributed 90% in the commercial sector, which includes retail and supermarkets, and the remaining 10% in the hotel sector, Valerio said at the Seminar on Safety and Regulation in the Non-Alcoholic Beverages Sector, held at the Association of Industries of the Dominican Republic (AIRD).

The event was held with the aim of strengthening knowledge and transparency in the sector, to position the country as a regional benchmark, and addressed issues such as the safety of the ingredients used in the manufacture of these products, innovations in the sector to adapt to the needs of consumers and initiatives to benefit the environment.

The director of the International Council of Beverages Associations for Latin America and the Caribbean, Santiago López Jaramillo, highlighted in his speech the contributions of the soft drinks industry at the regional level, where it generates 4.6 million jobs.

“About the colmados, we must specify that 60% of these businesses at regional level are attended by women, 52% are people over 42 years old, which constitutes a source of work for families and for a population group,” commented López Jaramillo.

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