Government coordinates training to strengthen health services

The National Institute of Technical Professional Training (Infotep), the National Health Service (SNS) and the Ciudad Sanitaria Doctor Luis Eduardo Aybar are working on the design of a specialized training plan, aimed at the collaborators of these two entities, to strengthen high quality health services, aimed at improving citizen care and promoting labor insertion.

This plan will be implemented by virtue of an agreement signed by the general director of Infotep, Rafael Santos Badía, with the executive director of the SNS, Mario Lama Olivero, and the president of the Board of Directors of Ciudad Sanitaria Doctor Luis Eduardo Aybar, José Joaquín Puello Herrera.

The signing of the agreement was headed by the Minister of Public Health, Daniel Rivera, who described this agreement as excellent, because one of the most important points of the health services is promotion. For this reason, he highlighted as one of the most relevant aspects of the agreement the preparation of the community promoters.

He said that these promoters will detect, by visiting the communities, if there is a fever, in addition to identifying which children are not vaccinated. “In other words, they will help enormously and we will have 500 promoters in this area who will be of great help to the entire capital so that we can continue to improve health conditions,” said Minister Rivera.

“We congratulate the signing of this agreement because an Infotep degree will generate confidence, responsibility and quality management,” said Rivera.

Santos Badía said that Infotep has been developing diplomas in health areas and has provided training, from 2007 to September of this year, to 236,315 participants in 10,659 training actions, in occupations such as Health Care for Dependent Persons, Hospital Maintenance Management, Respiratory Therapy Care and Medical Electronics, among others.

He pointed out that in 2020 an agreement was signed with the Ministry of Health and the SNS, with a view to strengthening the education and training of human resources who provide services in the institutions of the SNS.

For his part, Dr. Mario Lama said that these agreements contribute to the process of institutional strengthening.

“On this day, the National Health Service signs a collaboration agreement for training not only in the health care area, but also in the administrative area. Undoubtedly, these trainings favor the development of human resources, favor better management, favor the streamlining of processes,” said the executive director of the SNS, Mario Lama.

Dr. José Joaquín Puello said that the training that will be offered under the agreement will strengthen the human talent of the Ciudad Sanitaria, which will offer high-tech hospital services.

He pointed out that this is an innovative project and thanked Infotep, which he said will provide all the facilities for it to function in the best way.

He stressed the importance of the Health City and said that this project is not only about being good. “We want to be excellent, we want the population to understand the quality of the health service we are providing,” said Puello Herrera, president of the Board of Directors of Ciudad Sanitaria Doctor Luis Eduardo Aybar,

The agreement

The agreement, valid for two years, will cover training in priority areas required by Ciudad Sanitaria Luis Eduardo Aybar. Among the occupations are Medical Imaging, Electromedicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy and Basic and Hazardous Waste Management (hospital).

In the areas of administrative and technical support, Technology and Communications, Electrical and Electronic Maintenance, Industrial Refrigeration, and Hydraulic and Hydrostatic Systems will be offered.

The agreement also establishes that the premises of the Ciudad Sanitaria Doctor Luis Eduardo Aybar will be made available for the development of the agreed training activities.


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