MAP provides for pregnant health sector employees to work from home

In view of the vulnerability and risk posed by the presence of pregnant women in the work centers due to the incidence of Covid-19, the Ministry of Public Administration (MAP) provides that these personnel work from their homes.

In this way, the governing body of public employment excludes pregnant women from the provisions of Resolution 55-2021, dated April 9, 2021, which in view of the progress of the National Vaccination Program “VacĂșnate RD”, orders the reintegration of all health sector personnel to their jobs as of Monday, April 12, 2021.

However, in view of the risk involved in their reintegration, “pregnant women, who have not been vaccinated, will remain in the telework modality, from their respective homes”.

MAP’s disposition specifies that the rest of the health personnel, who should be reintegrated in their workplaces, will have to continue applying the protocols established by the health authorities in order to avoid the spread of COVID-19, and that the workplaces become a focus of contagion.

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