MSP to distribute free medicines in the Cibao region

The “More health and more life expectancy” program arrived this Thursday in the communities of Los Quemados, in Monseñor Nouel province, and Las Palomas, in Santiago, to intensify primary care in the prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes for the residents of these areas and nearby localities.

In an event headed by the Minister of Health, Victor Atallah, together with the director of the National Health Service (SNS), Mario Lama; the director of Promese/Cal, Adolfo Perez, and Alba Ropero, representative of PAHO/WHO, the program designed to improve primary care in the prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes was formally launched, benefiting more than 1,500 Primary Health Care Units (UNAP) of the Public Health Network.

This effort is supported by the Hearts strategy of the Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO).

It is aligned with President Luis Abinader’s policy of guaranteeing the free delivery of essential medicines for people over 45 years of age, both in the subsidized regime and for pensioners and retirees.

In the Central Cibao region, the number of chronic patients amounts to 101,074, while in the North Central provinces it is 121,182. In the municipalities, there are 591 chronic patients in Los Quemados and 46 in Las Palomas.

During the ceremony, held in the municipal districts of Los Quemados, in Bonao, and Las Palomas, in Santiago, Minister Atallah highlighted the importance of the program, mentioning that more than 101,000 people, or 13% of the region’s population, will benefit from this strategy.

Atallah indicated that “More health and more life expectancy” is the result of a joint effort by the Ministry of Public Health, the National Health Service, Promese/Cal and PAHO to ensure access to medicines for the control of hypertension and diabetes at the first level of care. He also emphasized that the purpose of this program is to restore confidence in the health system and improve the quality of life of citizens through attention focused on health promotion and prevention.

Meanwhile, Mario Lama assured that in the month of August, the Hearts strategy is intended to cover the entire national territory, with the ambition of reaching 100% access to free medicines for diabetes and hypertension. Already 80 % of the national territory is covered.

“But this strategy implies first of all bringing health closer to the communities and that is why it is applied where there are Primary Care Units, because they are in charge of influencing the communities, making the survey of the health situation and implementing actions to modify the risk factors,” he said.

He also urged health professionals and the community to actively participate in the first level centers to provide this important service.

Meanwhile, the director of Promese/Cal described the program as “a comprehensive effort that seeks not only to prevent and control diseases, but also to ensure that patients have access to essential medicines at no cost. In the inaugurated areas, 104 People’s Pharmacies will be set up so that patients can obtain their medicines free of charge”.

Adolfo Pérez, informed that the program will start in region 3, covering several provinces, and will have 29 Farmacias del Pueblo for the free distribution of essential medicines.

The products are based on the treatment protocols of the Hearts strategy, which will enable patients to receive medical attention and obtain the medicines free of charge.

The provincial governor of Monseñor Nouel, Adela Tejeda, thanked President Luis Abinader for ensuring that the program can be implemented in that province, as it allows people to access the free medicines.

The launching of the program was attended by various authorities and representatives of international organizations, who highlighted its importance in transforming the health system and improving the quality of life of thousands of Dominicans.

Under the umbrella of the Hearts strategy, of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), there are 33 countries, of which, the Dominican Republic has the highest national coverage.

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