Post APA LATAM Dominican Republic

With the aim of updating professionals in the field of psychiatry, the Dominican College of Neuropsychopharmacology and the Dominican Society of Psychiatry North Regional developed the Post APA LATAM Dominican Republic event.

The activity was carried out with the support of Doctores Mallén Guerra, through Baliarda and Saval Laboratories.

Dr. Edilberto Peña de León, neuropsychiatrist, gave the welcoming remarks at the event.

While Dr. Juan Jorge Palacios Casados, specialist in medical genetics, shared an introduction to psychiatric genetics, from the theory to the practical applications of pharmacogenomics.

Dr. Palacios Casados expressed that genes have a relationship and relevance not only in the origin of human behavior and mind, but that they are key pieces to understand mental illnesses.

He emphasized that they help to create tools with clinical applications in modern psychiatry.

He also reminded that no pathological behavior is the result of a direct causal relationship between a gene and the observed behavioral genotype, so mental illnesses should be thought of as complex from both the clinical and genetic point of view.

During the event, affective anxiety disorders were also discussed by Dr. Julio Israel Chestaro Breton, schizophrenia by Dr. Rodrigo Nel Cordoba Rojas, as well as new psychotropic drugs by Dr. Juan Enrique Velez.

Also, bipolar and neurodevelopmental disorders, by Dr. Edilberto Peña de León, psychotherapies, by Dr. Alfredo Valencia Reyes, addictions and neurodevelopment, by Dr. Ana De La Fuente Martín.

This event was aimed at psychiatrists, psychologists, internists, family physicians, general practitioners, residents, interns and students and will cover topics such as schizophrenia, depression and anxiety, bipolar spectrum, new psychotropic drugs, addictions and neurodevelopment and psychotherapy.

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