DR takes first place in clean energy project

The electricity distribution company Edesur Dominicana won first place in the development of an innovative clean energy project implemented in the remote community of Sabana Real, in the province of Independencia.

The Regional Energy Integration Commission (CIER), based in San José, Costa Rica, awarded the prize to Edesur for first place in the category of “Decentralization in Rural Electrification”.

The award, organized by CIER’s Regional Committee for Central America and the Caribbean (Cecacier), was attended by 17 companies that belong to that organization and 29 energy projects were nominated.

This award is designed to recognize innovative projects in the electricity sector in Latin America and the Caribbean. The award focuses on three main categories: digitalization, decentralization and decarbonization. In addition, there is a special mention called “Innovation Platform”, which recognizes companies that encourage the adoption of best practices in strategic innovation.

Edesur Dominicana’s interim general manager, José Luis Actis, said that this recognition is strong evidence that the company is keeping pace with innovation in the Dominican energy sector.

“We positively value this recognition, the first place awarded to us by Cecacier, in the decentralization category. In this way, Edesur reaffirms its commitment and leadership in the electricity sector in our region,” said José Luis Actis.

The project consists of 120 photovoltaic panels and more than 4,400 meters of medium and low voltage wiring to bring electricity service to 70 families in Sabana Real.

Edesur Dominicana’s application was presented by the manager of Development and Innovation, Miguel José Santana Rojas.


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