Luis Núñez, regional commercial director of AMResorts in the Dominican Republic, told that after the reopening of tourism operations in the country, it is necessary to have very good information on each of the issuing markets (mainly those in which reopening is expected) to understand their real potential and possibility of return or production.
For this reason, he explained that the opening of the United Kingdom is “imminent” for mid-May and Canada for the end of June.
“We have “ears” in all statistically productive markets to the destination. Europe has already opened markets that have helped us a lot, such as Germany, Switzerland, Poland, Ukraine and a historical and very relevant one, Spain. While I consider that Latin America is an unknown for the country because there are too many variables. At the moment we have some business and many plans with Colombia and we remain very close to our clients and friends in Argentina, Chile, Brazil, among others”, he informed.
He indicated that as data on the reopening of each alternate market becomes available, the hotel chain is getting ahead of it to ensure that it has the hotels with the right positioning “and thus take our market share… or a little more, if possible”.
As for the focus of strategies to capture tourists depending on the issuing market, Nuñez said that, definitely, the main focus is the American market, since it represents 70% of the tourism that currently arrives at Punta Cana airport; however, the company’s initiatives to capture the UK, European, Canadian and LATAM markets do not cease.
“Under this situation, we cannot fail to mention the local market and its relevance as a cornerstone in the recovery of the sector. To this market we dedicated a comprehensive plan of communication, presence, interaction and finally launching with powerful offers and values that allowed us to a great extent the opening of each of our 11 hotels. We are very grateful to both local clients and the entire guild, travel agents and tour operators,” he added.
The AMResorts executive said that since the reopening in July 2020 and as a result of the government transition, the evident cooperation and the spirit of listening to the sector through the Association of Hotels and Tourism (Asonahores) and other entities, has ensured that the steps taken by the Ministry of Tourism (Mitur) and the current administration have been extremely positive and with a broad intersectoral spectrum.
“This has led to the success we are experiencing in this second quarter, which is the clear result of a set of well-thought-out actions executed at the right time,” he said.