Approval of new Customs Law deemed necessary and important

The general director of Customs, Eduardo Sanz Lovatón, and the president of the Permanent Commission of Industry, Commerce and Free Zones of the Senate, Alexis Victoria (María Trinidad Sánchez), described as necessary and important the approval of a new Customs Law in the Dominican Republic, because, in the opinion of both, it is urgent to establish clear rules to achieve a customs system in accordance with the new times.

According to what Sanz Lovatón explained, the President of the Republic, Luis Abinader, is extremely interested in the approval of this legislative initiative, which is authored by Senator Alexis Victoria, representative of María Trinidad Sánchez.

The initiative seeks to facilitate and expedite foreign trade operations, as well as to control and supervise the passage of merchandise through the customs territory.

In addition, its purpose is to collect the taxes established by law and to prosecute unlawful conducts that threaten the management and control of customs and foreign trade.

Likewise, one of the objectives of the new Customs Law of the Dominican Republic is to develop and administer the execution of the precepts of the legislation and international treaties to which the country is a party, within the scope of its attributions.
Another purpose of the proposed new Customs Law of the Dominican Republic is to generate customs and foreign trade statistics.

The Permanent Commission of Industry, Commerce and Free Zones of the Senate and the Director General of Customs agreed to meet again on Wednesday to finish the studies of the legislative piece, which would be approved with the urgency and necessity already expressed.

In addition to Alexis Victoria (María Trinidad Sánchez), president of the Commission, senators José Del Castillo Saviñón (Barahona); Melania Salvador Jiménez (Bahoruco); Dionis Sánchez (Pedernales); Eddy Nolasco (Valverde); and Pedro Catrain (Samaná) also participated.

Representing the General Directorate of Customs were its director Eduardo Sanz Lovaton; Gabino José Polanco, deputy technical director; Oscar D’Oleo, legal consultant; and Eduardo Rodríguez, advisor.

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