From its leadership position, the Tropigas Foundation is pleased to present this space, which from now on is proposed as a platform to promote relevant issues in the sustainability agenda of the Dominican Republic towards 2030.
The Dominican Republic, located in the list of the ten countries most vulnerable to the onslaught of climate change, according to the Global Climate Risk Index 2018 (CRI), conducted annually by the Germanwatch organization, is undoubtedly on its way to becoming a regional benchmark in terms of investment in projects and initiatives and policies that have as their main axis to ensure the sustainable development of the country.
“Sustainably Speaking” comes to you as an interactive and participatory proposal where the Tropigas Foundation team will be responsible for highlighting issues from the leadership and role of women in the sustainability of the country, to green financing, best practices in the private sector, promoting environmental education, interviews with national and international leaders, green trends in the region, circular economy projects and renewable energy, among others.
About Tropigas Foundation
The Tropigas Foundation was born in 2011 as a necessary response to the thinking of a family with a great cooperative spirit, with a strong vocation to contribute and with a marked dedication to the needs of the Dominican Republic. The Martí family has always supported various causes.
That is why from the visionary vision of Mr. Carlos José Martí, the Tropigas Foundation was created, with the objective of channeling a sustained commitment to corporate social responsibility of MARTÍ, offering vertical support to the various national scenarios prioritized as is the protection of the environment.
Social Responsibility
Ribera Verde is an environmental sanitation project aimed at improving the quality of life of the inhabitants of the surrounding areas. Its transversal axis is to promote the sustainable local development of the sectors located on the banks of the Ozama and Isabela rivers. It focuses on six axes:
Solid waste management.
Sanitation and rescue of ravines.
Reforestation in small areas.
Environmental education.
Preventive health operations.
Community participation.
RIO Coalition
From the Tropigas Foundation we preside over the River Coalition, an organization that was born in 2014 after the visit made by Professor Mohan Munasinghe, winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize.
In order to sanitize and rehabilitate the middle and lower basin of the Ozama-Isabela rivers, prioritizing its action in the reduction of solid waste, sewage and organic waste that reach the aforementioned tributaries, the River Coalition is created.
This work is being carried out with the collaboration and commitment of companies and institutions, including: Sansouci, the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, Caasd, Mancomunidad del Gran Santo Domingo, SOH Conservación, Fundación Atabey, Afunsarec.
Recycling centers
Dedicated to the temporary storage of recyclable waste, we make it easier for users to take their waste separated according to its nature, strengthening the principle of Reduce-Reuse-Recycle, promoting eco-science with emphasis on greater participation of collaborators to achieve this goal.
Fundación Tropigas recycling centers receive cardboard, paper and plastic. They are located at 5 strategic points in Greater Santo Domingo within the Sunix and Tropigas stations.
Fire stations
Fundación Tropigas has built 6 fire stations in the Tropigas packing plants of La Plantica, Santiago, 27 de Febrero, Jacobo Majluta, KM18 and Las Palmas, supplied with trucks, uniforms, general equipment and basic services such as electricity, water and others.
It also offers education and academic training to the country’s firefighters, an institution that together with its personnel permanently watch over the relief and security of the citizens. These stations represent security for the residents and communities.
Recycle X DR
It is an interactive App that Tropigas Foundation will soon make available to all Dominicans, in its mission to support and promote recycling nationwide in an inclusive manner under the AIRD’s digital productive chaining program.
Through this user-friendly digital platform, we will not only seek to normalize the complex concept of what is supposed to be recycling from the comfort of our homes, but with just several clicks you will also support through recycling, social inclusion and support for our informal collectors to formalize and become an integral part of the circular economy.
Responsible consumption
Three things I can do this week to be a little more sustainable:
Buy efficient electronic products. They are more expensive to start with, but the energy savings they represent pay off in the long run.
Eliminate plastic bags from your shopping and always carry a reusable bag.
Buy local products. Local products generally have less impact and help the local economy.
Our team
Indira Isabel Lorenzo, Director of Sustainability MARTI and Tropigas Foundation, Industrial Engineer, Master in Renewable Energies from the School of Industrial Organization of Madrid, Spain. With vast experience leading large-scale conservation projects, she has advised the private sector in the areas of hydrocarbons.
Flavia Martí, CSR and Sustainability Coordinator for Fundación Tropigas and MARTI, Business Administrator from UNIBE with a Master’s Degree in Marketing and Commercial Management from EAE Business School in Spain, where she carried out a project that managed a strategic and operational approach for ecological products.
Astrid Aristy, CSR and Sustainability Analyst at Fundación Tropigas. She is in charge of digital communication and content in RRSS. She is a graduate of UNIBE in Advertising Communication and has four years of experience in digital communication and brand management.