Environment initiates intervention operation in Los Haitises

The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MMARN) began this Tuesday, in coordination with the Public Ministry, a broad intervention operation in Los Haitises National Park, under the operational direction of the National Environmental Protection Service (Senpa) and with the participation of the General Directorate of Immigration and other state agencies.

Captain René Ysidro Rodríguez Álvarez, general director of Senpa indicated that the operation is being carried out in coordination with the Specialized Attorney’s Office for the Defense of the Environment and Natural Resources (Proedemare), headed by the court attorney, Francisco Contreras.

Operation objectives

Intervención En Los HaitisesRodríguez Álvarez explained that the operation seeks to stop environmental crimes and to interrupt the production cycles of unscrupulous people, mostly foreigners, who work in conuquism inside the national park, which must be preserved because of its hydrological importance and biodiversity.

He indicated that this body specialized in environmental protection has the support of personnel from the Army, Navy and Air Force of the RD, as well as the National Police, the National Drug Control Directorate (DNCD), the National Investigations Department (DNI), the Joint Task Force Ciudad Tranquila (FTC-Ciutran) and the Military and Police Commission (Comipol).

In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture, the National Council for Children (Conani), the General Directorate of Livestock, the Social Assistance Plan of the Presidency and the Economic Canteens of the Dominican State.

“This intervention, which we have planned with the military forces, following the guidelines of the Minister of the Environment, Miguel Cera Hatton, began at 6:00 in the morning and will last for several days,” said Captain Rodriguez Alvarez, who oversees the operation against environmental crimes.

He indicated that the military personnel alone exceeds 200 men and women, distributed in five task forces, under the command of Army Colonel Alejandro Santana Mota.

Source: Presidencia.gob.do

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