How to tell if a fruit or vegetable is in season

Healthy and organic food has long ceased to be a fad to become a lifestyle that every day has more followers. In addition to being much more beneficial to health, cooking with the right choice of products is also more respectful of the environment.

Choosing those fruits and vegetables that are in season helps to avoid foods that are forced to grow at a time of the year that is not theirs and that, therefore, may be forced to grow artificially or even contain additives to maintain their good condition despite imports. In addition, the economic advantages are also noteworthy, since these products are usually cheaper than those out of season, without forgetting that they stimulate local production.

How do you know if a fruit or vegetable is in season? The Consumers and Users Organization provides a very practical tool available on its website. There are two calendars, one for fruits (click here) and another for vegetables (click here). In both calendars there is a list of foods with their months of availability. They are very easy to use:

When accessing, you can consult each fruit or vegetable individually. Scroll until you find the desired piece.
When it is located, the months of full season, early or late season will be marked in the same row.
Clicking on the name of each product will display more information about the fruits and vegetables: their nutritional properties, their culinary value, little tips and even a recipe with that fruit or vegetable as an ingredient.

There are other such options available, such as the one presented on the Soy de Temporada website, a project of Visualizar 17, a collaborative and open data workshop organized by the Medialab Prado of the Madrid City Council. On their page you can find seasonal and non-seasonal fruits and vegetables and all the information related to their production, including the provinces with the largest crops of the selected product.

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