The Níspero (Dominican Loquat)

A sweet and refreshing fruit

The Dominican Loquat, Níspero, masaranduba, sapodilla, whose scientific name is “Manilkara huberi”, is a plant belonging to the family “Sapotaceae”.

The loquat is brown-skinned, somewhat reddish pulp and contains black seeds, long and lustrous. This tropical fruit contains 14 percent sugar and reveals its characteristic sweetness to the taste of whoever test. The loquat fruit has edible pulp thath as a white to orange and is very aromatic, fleshy, with an intense sweet if somewhat acid, to prepare special desserts.

The Dominican loquat tree is large, reaching 30-55 m in height. The leaves are alternate, elliptic, and yellow on the underside, 1-2 cm long.
The flowers are hermaphrodite, in fascicles, shortly pedicel, white-sepals 3 to 3. It has very hard wood, red, used for furniture and construction material is so dense that floats in water.

Although the loquat is high in sugar, low in calories (about 50 calories per 100 grams). It also has potassium and lesser amounts, magnesium, calcium and iron, as well as small amounts of vitamins B and C.

The Níspero has value and antioxidant properties, plus it contains soluble fiber (pectin), tannins, astringent substances and many aromatic substances such as organic acids (citric, tartaric and malic) abundant in the pulp.

Popularly indicated that helps expel bladder stones when mixed with horseradish crust.
The consumption of Níspero is a very healthy option and high content in nutrients and healing substances, it is advisable for people with certain disorders and diseases.

It is advisable for people with diabetes, since according to results of studies nispero extract has antidiabetic action.

Nispero Nispero Nispero


The Dominican loquats are used to create ice cream, desserts, jams and whipped. Goes well with bananas and condensed milk to make candy and ice cream desserts.

Sweet of Níspero: Mix egg yolks, ½ cup sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon and milk and bring to the stove to simmer. Tilt. When it starts to thicken, add the Níspero pulp passed through a sieve. Continue moving and when you reach the point of heavy cream, remove from heat. Let cool and serve garnished with raisins.

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