Ricardo Montaner had announced, in November 2020, his decision to enter the hotel business. Since then, he started the construction of his venture, which is not related to the artistic world: it is a boutique hotel located in Samaná, a town in the northeast of the Dominican Republic.
Ricardo Montaner had said he planned to have it ready by the middle of this year and so he did. He recently announced through his social networks that the boutique hotel is ready and will open its doors in the next few hours.
The boutique hotel installed by the interpreter of “te adoraré” in the Dominican Republic is called “Lluvia” and has eleven rooms, according to the singer-songwriter during a press conference he gave last year prior to the concert he gave in the Caribbean country.
“In the family we have always wanted to have a hotel and we have already started to build it”, said Ricardo Montaner, enthusiastic about his hotel project. On that occasion he also emphasized that they were already “talking with a hotel operator specialized in hotels of this type”. In addition, the lodging will be quite exclusive, he said. Recently, the composer spread the official Instagram account of the family hotel venture: “If you want to follow the family in our new venture, we are waiting for you here”. And he noted, “Soon in Samaná.”
“There is a big difference between being a tourist and being a traveler. We don’t want you to visit us, we want us to get to know each other,” is the description that reads on Hotel Lluvia’s Instagram profile. But, the account is not new, in fact it has publications since 2018, several images where you can appreciate the stunning landscapes of the place and also some postcards where Evaluna, the musician’s youngest daughter, and Mau pose together with his wife, Sara Escobar. And although Ricardo Montaner’s hotel was not working, his Instagram profile already has more than 13 thousand followers and the publications are full of comments from fans, both Ricardo’s and his children’s, where they are eager to get a stay in this establishment and thus be able to share time with them.