First State Real Estate Census Findings Presented

The General Directorate of Government Accounting (Digecog) organized a technical meeting with the purpose of sharing experiences and findings of the First Census of Real Estate Assets of the Dominican State, carried out by the General Directorate of National Assets and the General Directorate of Cadastre.

According to the data of the study, as of April the system presented a total of RD 46,737 registered real estate assets with an approximate value of RD 18.4 billion, distributed among the various public institutions, including local governments.

The presentation of the findings of the First Census of State Real Estate was made by Francisco Castillo, director of Planning of Bienes Nacionales, who pointed out that “the census was carried out in response to a presidential mandate, established by decree, to provide information to the Dominican society about its patrimony, in terms of real estate”.

In this sense, the methodology used was to list all the institutions of the State and to proceed with the elaboration of technical cards for the survey of the assets segregated by geographic location, ownership, and applying appraisals and market value to assign costs to such assets.

In evaluating the census data, José Rijo Presbot, Vice-Minister of Budget, Accounting and Patrimony and General Director of Budget, as well as Héctor Pérez Mirambeux, General Director of the National Cadastre, highlighted the importance of the flow of information between the governing bodies of public finances.

On his side, Rómulo Arias Moscat, general director of Government Accounting, emphasized the need to register all assets, in accordance with Law 126-01 of Government Accounting, in order to present to the Dominican society transparent financial statements that show a patrimony in line with reality.

Finally, Derby De Los Santos, Vice-Minister of the Treasury, insists on the importance of continuing to strengthen the work ties between the different areas and general directorates under the umbrella of the Ministry of Finance, in order to strengthen finances and international measurement and evaluation indicators.

In this activity, in addition to those already mentioned, Francisco Castillo and Rubén Gómez, Director of Planning and Director of State Assets, of the General Directorate of National Assets, participated on behalf of Rafael Burgos Gómez, General Director of National Assets, and the technical team of these institutions.


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