The Vice President of the Republic, Raquel Peña, assured that the Government is investing more than RD$4 billion in the province of San Juan, as part of an integral plan that seeks to improve the infrastructure and the quality of life of the residents of that demarcation.
Peña offered the information while holding a meeting this Sunday at the Governor’s Office of San Juan, where the progress of the works announced by President Luis Abinader during the Council of Government held last March in the southern town, declared by the president in a state of emergency due to the high level of poverty in which it is located.
“The Dominicans of this thriving province, producer of grains and other items that supply the country and part of the world, already have mourners and it is us, this Government. We have been gradually extending that helping hand that is so much needed in times of difficulties, as it has been living in the midst of a global crisis caused by the coronavirus,” said the Vice President.
The official said that a survey of the needs of each of the localities of the province was carried out, in order to listen first hand to the priorities of the people. Thus, plans were drawn up for the construction of a set of infrastructure works to improve the efficiency of public services.
During the meeting, it was reported that the Ministry of Housing, Habitat and Buildings (MIVHED), with the program Dominicana se Reconstruye, has intervened 949 houses of the 549 already repaired in the localities of La Cana de Guatemala, El Rosario, La Maguana, Batista, Raíz de Palma, among others.
Likewise, the first stage of replacing dirt floors with cement was completed, benefiting 1,165 homes, and a week ago, the second stage was started, which will impact 5,533 families. He also informed that 35 houses are under construction in the municipality and will be delivered in the first quarter of next year.
Another project announced in the province was the construction of a domestic airport “El Granero del Sur”, which will be an innovative center for the development of the province. which will be an innovative agricultural export center for the region and that the technical and administrative processes for the acquisition of the land are already being completed.
It was also informed about the expansion of the San Juan sewage pipes, which is being carried out at a cost of RD$ 35 million and will benefit 7,723 people; also the expansion of the San Juan aqueduct, Corbano Norte extension, at a cost of RD$ 4.5 million and benefiting 606 people.
Likewise, work is being carried out on the Cercado aqueducts, at a cost of RD$16 million, which will benefit 1,010 people, and the rehabilitation of the Las Matas de Farfán treatment plant at a cost of RD$11 million, which currently benefits 38,000 people.
The integral project developed for the province, includes the construction of four neighborhood roads around the Sabaneta dam, for an amount of 269 million pesos; the intervention of 18 basic schools, with an investment of 696 million pesos; a polytechnic with an investment of 74 million pesos, as well as the construction of 16 apartments, with an investment of 24 million pesos.
The meeting was attended by Elvira Corporán de los Santos, governor of the province of San Juan; Geanilda Vasquez, Minister of State without Portfolio of the Presidency; Félix Bautista, senator for the province of San Juan; Hanoi Sánchez, mayor; Marie Aristy, vice-minister of Labor; Víctor Pichardo, director of the Airport Department; Jhonny Jiménez, deputy executive director of INDRHI and Carlos Morillo, deputy director of INAPA.