Inefi hands over refurbished sports field in San José de Ocoa

The executive director of the National Institute of Physical Education (Inefi), Alberto Rodríguez Mella, delivered this Wednesday, totally refurbished, the court where the students of the Octavia Pimentel de Parra Primary School, located in the municipal district of El Naranjal, San José de Ocoa, will carry out their sports activities, a facility that will also be used by the community of the area.

“Fulfilling the wishes of President Luis Abinader, we are making the requests and requests of the school community a reality,” said Rodriguez Mella after handing over the court.

He recalled that Inefi, responding to the call of sports educators of the Octavia Pimentel de Parra Primary School, recently began the renovation of the sports field of this southern municipality.

Also present at the ceremony was the elected deputy Yalis Soto, who thanked the government and the prompt response made by Inefi to the call made by the community and the students of this school.

“We are extremely grateful for all that you have done for San José de Ocoa and Rancho Arriba where a survey was executed by Inefi technicians,” revealed Soto, referring to Rodríguez Mella.

“We will never be able to thank a government so committed to education, culture and sports, especially because young people are in schools practicing sports,” he said.

Other authorities of the southern province, members of the press and sports leaders were also present.

Responding to a call

Inefi responded to the call for the reconstruction of the Parra court made through a report published in the newspaper Listín Diario, in which the conditions in which this sports space was found were described.

The decentralized organization started the reconstruction works of the playing area and the installation of modern lights, boards, hoops and paintings.

Inefi’s sports infrastructure brigade went to this community last Tuesday to carry out a survey of the facility in which work began to repair the surface of the court, as well as the basketball backboards and other necessary tools.

This facility is of great importance for the community, since the students of the Octavia Pimentel school use it as a sports facility for physical education classes.

Condition of the court

It should be noted that the deterioration of this field was concentrated in large holes, cracked columns, lack of hoops, grass in and around the field, ditches with garbage, standing water, and blocks with raised rebar.

The same was intervened by the Presidential Commission for the Support of Provincial Development, in 2018, despite having been in optimal conditions and just painted two months before by Inefi, with the proposition that they would make significant improvements, such as the installation of lights, bleachers, increase the columns and fix the pavement.

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