The National Institute of Physical Education (Inefi) signed a multiple collaboration agreement with the Major League Baseball (MLB) Office in the Dominican Republic, the National Institute of Technical Professional Training (Infotep) and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (Mescyt).
The agreement, established at the MLB offices, was signed by the executive director of Inefi, Alberto Rodríguez Mella, Yerik Pérez, Rafael Santos Badía and Minister Franklin García Fermín, as representatives of MLB, Infotep and Mescyt, respectively.
The entity that regulates physical education in the Dominican Republic informed that through this agreement it seeks to coordinate, develop and implement activities that generate the necessary technical and productive capacities, so that the players of the academies of the MLB teams in the country can be inserted in the labor market if they are placed on release before reaching the major leagues and are forced to finish their sports careers.
Alberto Rodríguez, executive director of Inefi, stated that the agreement is one of the most relevant that the institution has signed due to the positive impact it will have on young Dominicans.
“For Inefi it is a great pride to achieve an agreement of this magnitude. I believe that here we are marking a milestone by making an agreement like this with an organization as important as MLB,” said Rodríguez.
In the fundamental aspects of the agreement, it is highlighted that MLB, Infotep and Mescyt seek to promote the individual development of young people, but also of the country.
Meanwhile, Yerik Pérez, director of the MLB Office in the country, said that the agreement constitutes a transcendental achievement, since it commits to promote communication and inter-institutional collaboration in favor of the creation of programs, resources and opportunities for former players who were part of the academies of Major League Baseball teams in the country to continue in the baseball industry in other capacities outside the field of play.
García Fermín, Minister of Higher Education, assured that the signing of the agreement will generate “positive results in the education of our young people because they will have other alternatives to develop in a more adequate way”.
Santos Badía, for his part, valued the agreement between the institutions.
About the agreement
First: Inter-institutional Collaboration:
The parties agree to promote communication and inter-institutional collaboration in favor of the creation of programs, resources and opportunities for former players who were part of the academies of MLB teams in the Dominican Republic.
Second: Creation of the Transition Support Program for Former Players:
Inefi, Infotep and Mescyt commit to create the Transition Support Program for Former Players, aimed at expanding access to educational resources, psychological services and job opportunities for former players of MLB teams in the Dominican Republic. This program includes:
- Psychological Assistance: Inefi, Infotep and Mescyt are committed to manage and facilitate access to psychological therapies for former MLB team players, including three free initial sessions, reduced rates for additional low-cost sessions, as well as counseling and ongoing support in their therapeutic process to promote their overall well-being.
- Educational Opportunities: Inefi, Infotep and Mescyt commit to collaborate in offering educational opportunities for former MLB players who did not complete their studies, including scholarships at universities, technical training, and programs aimed at preparing them to become physical education teachers, thus facilitating their insertion into the labor market.
- Labor Exchange: Inefi, Infotep and Mescyt are committed to establishing a specialized labor exchange for former MLB team players to facilitate their insertion into the labor market. This mechanism will connect former players with employers to ensure access to suitable job opportunities in the field of physical education and other related sectors, aligning their skills and sports experience with available jobs.
- Training and Certification Programs: Inefi, Infotep and Mescyt will develop and facilitate training and certification programs in physical education and sports for former players of MLB teams to improve their professional skills and competencies.
- Continuous Training Courses: Inefi, Infotep and Mescyt will offer regular refresher and continuous training courses in new sports education techniques to equip former MLB team players with the tools to maintain their job competitiveness.
- Continuous Training Courses: Inefi, Infotep and Mescyt will offer regular refresher courses and continuous training in new sports education techniques to equip former MLB players with tools to maintain their job competitiveness.
Third: Designation of Coordinators:
Inefi, Infotep and Mescyt will designate a coordinator for the execution of the Transition Support Program for Former Players and the different responsibilities described in the second article of this agreement.