From intelligent traffic lights capable of receiving emergency signals to drones capable of transporting medicines and medical samples, are some of the attractions exhibited at the fair “Dominicana Innova 2023”, which was launched yesterday with the presence of President Luis Abinader.
There are many projects linked to artificial intelligence and digitalization that are shown in the second edition of this event, where there are several projects linked to ideas and designs, which include technologies of the digital era.
Among them, intelligent traffic lights are one of the most attractive, because they could identify emergency signals, for example, when an ambulance is approaching and the road needs to be cleared.
These were devised with three main objectives: first, to respond to emergency systems, such as ambulances and firefighters; second, to turn on an LED light when the emergency is close to a radius of three kilometers and third, to change color to speed up the traffic on the road, explained Luis Santana, coordinator of innovation projects of the National Institute of Technical and Vocational Training (Infotep).
He pointed out that the change of color will occur once the traffic light identifies that the emergency is heading in the same direction where it is located through a connection with the vehicle’s siren and other connections.
Francis Beltré, one of the designers of this project, expressed that one of the motivations to design this intelligent mechanism, were the experiences he has had when he requires the service, the vehicular congestion that impedes the passage and the lack of awareness of citizens when they hear the siren.
He said that the purpose of these traffic lights is to give an early warning to drivers, after the sensors emit the emergency signal to each other and understand that they must change color depending on the direction and destination.
At the fair, there were also cargo drones.
These have the particularity of having been designed only to be used in cargo, because they were programmed to be parked and not to return to the starting point, as is common. A special box with the patterns according to the target was added to these devices.
The device, designed by experts from the Parque Cibernético de Santo Domingo, has a capacity to travel up to 20 kilometers, which were tested during 50 successful flights with a total distance of 1,500 kilometers.
The experiments were carried out in the southern region of the country.
One of them from the municipality of Bohechío, in San Juan de la Maguana, to Los Cocos and Los Fríos in the same region.
Rafael Núñez, explained that the programming of this device is to reduce the mobility time of laboratory samples obtained in rural hospital centers and thus reduce the distance by road, as it would take two or three hours to reach the destination, which increases the chances of altering the results of the analysis.
In the drone the transfer would take about 10 minutes instead of two or three hours, depending on the location.
It would also be possible to send the medicines required according to the results of the analysis so that the center’s specialist could send them to the patient. The place arranged to transport the sample has thermometers to measure the temperature and security to avoid spills.
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