ANJE highlights role of tourism in economic recovery

The National Association of Young Entrepreneurs (ANJE) held the meeting “Why Everyone Comes to the DR: Behind the Scenes”, with the purpose of highlighting the economic sectors that generate foreign exchange income in the Dominican Republic, on this occasion tourism.

The panel, organized by ANJE’s Economy and Energy Commission, was headed by Jacqueline Mora, technical vice minister of the Ministry of Tourism; Juan Manuel Martín de Oliva, vice president of the Tourism Business Area of Banco Popular, and Rafael Blanco, president of Asonahores.

“If we talk about tourism, we are talking about one of the main drivers of the Dominican economy, which has demonstrated its resilience in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, being a promoter for economic recovery. Beyond a space exclusively for dialogue, this meeting proposes to promote the generation of initiatives, proposals and alliances that lead to the consolidation of a competitive business climate for the medium and long term of this important sector,” said Luis Manuel Pellerano, president of ANJE.

During his speech, Mora highlighted the diversity of Dominican tourism and the recovery strategy. “We are not just sun and beach tourism. The first stage of the Ministry’s strategy was the whole process of recovering tourism and putting the DR back in the international spotlight, so it was achieved and it could be done. This process is accompanied by the beginning of infrastructure works in all the tourist poles to strengthen all the cultural, gastronomic, events, sports, among others,” he said.

In addition, he said that the strategy is based on the four pillars of transparency that the Ministry of Tourism has defined as collaboration, intelligence, quality and efficiency, which pursues the transformation of the Ministry into an entity that bases its decisions on information. “The Ministry of Tourism is constantly at the service of citizens, investing in improving services, innovating for tourists and the entire sector, and making the most efficient use of its resources to multiply the impact it has historically had”.

During the panel, Juan Manuel Martín de Oliva, vice-president of the Tourism Business Area of Banco Popular, emphasized that the presence of hoteliers, businessmen from all tourism-related industries, banks and the public sector, in a tireless working environment, have created a synergy, demonstrating the extraordinary investment climate that the Dominican Republic is experiencing.

“As the main financier of the tourism industry in the country, we have verified this dynamism first hand and have felt the interest of foreign investors.”

Rafael Blanco Tejera, president of Asonahores, assured that the association will continue to support initiatives that promote the exchange of ideas in the quest to contribute to the development of the industry and its different value chains.

“We will maintain the standards that have earned us worldwide recognition to guarantee the presence of our country as a tourist destination, managing to boost investment opportunities and expansion of the tourism sector.”

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