Collado: “Together we have achieved the recovery of tourism in the DR”.

The Minister of Tourism, David Collado, proclaimed that the Dominican Republic has achieved the recovery of tourism, thanks to the joint efforts of the public and private sectors.

“Together we have achieved the recovery of tourism in the Dominican Republic”, said the official before more than 250 tour operators in a meeting he headed in this city in the state of Florida, United States.

He said that the Dominican Republic has become a world reference in tourism, by registering the sustained recovery of the industry that generates in this Caribbean country more than 500,000 jobs and represents 17% of the Domestic Product (GDP).

In addition to speaking about the country’s benefits to the tour operators, Minister Collado presented the Country Brand strategy, through which the country is projected as a whole, through its five axes.

During the activity, he highlighted the five pillars that complete the Country Brand of the Dominican Republic, which are: Investment, Exports, Tourism, Culture and Citizenship, and it was explained that the strategy in the United States will be supported by the Dominican Diaspora with whom actions will be deployed to embrace the country brand as their own and be the ambassadors of the same in the United States, developing the pillars on which it is based.

The presentation of the Country Brand, which is the result of a long process that involved the government and the Dominican private sector, was held in the city of Miami, since one of its main objectives is to integrate the Dominican diaspora in the relaunching of the Dominican Republic and where the country can develop its full potential.

“In this effort to strengthen our presence here in the United States, especially in Florida, we must go hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, with this great Dominican community, which makes so many contributions to our economy through their visits, remittances, investment and consumption of our products,” said the Minister of Tourism.

The Country Brand Strategy represents the beginning of a permanent effort to work in an integral way to strengthen the image of the Dominican Republic, projecting the Caribbean country not only as a tourist destination, but also as an integral destination for business and investment, with top quality export products and also as a space full of cultural riches.

The private sector, which has covered the costs of the entire process to date, including the launch in the United States, plays a leading role in the entire strategy, taking advantage of its experience, but also articulating actions to open the Dominican Republic to the world as an attractive and safe option to attract new investments in a sustainable manner.

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