U.S. Chamber of Commerce ranks DR third in intellectual property enforcement

The United States Chamber of Commerce published the ninth edition of its Intellectual Property Index (IPI) report, in which it placed the Dominican Republic in the number three position out of 10 countries evaluated in Latin America, with 54.2 percent for an improvement of 0.36 percent.

This report, carried out in the United States, is intended to provide guidance to U.S. companies on the intellectual property situation in 53 countries, through an evaluation of nine categories that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce considers as indicative of a sound IP system.

The report notes that 32 of the 53 countries evaluated showed improvements in their indicators. Particularly related to the implementation of trade agreements with more robust IP systems around the world.

On this occasion, the report assigns the Dominican Republic a score of 54.32 percent for an improvement of 0.36 percent, placing it in third place out of the 10 countries evaluated in Latin America.

This is above Colombia, Chile, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Ecuador and Venezuela, and slightly below Mexico and Costa Rica.

Among the items evaluated are patents, copyrights, trademarks, design rights, trade secrets and protection of confidential information, commercialization of IP assets, enforcement, systemic efficiency, membership and ratification of international agreements.

The information was received by the Embassy of the Dominican Republic in Washington, D.C. and forwarded to the Dominican Foreign Ministry, which in turn sent acknowledgement of receipt to the National Industrial Property Office (Onapi).

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