Dominican Republic exceeds 70 percent hotel occupancy rate

Dominican Minister of Tourism, David Collado, issued statements on Wednesday confirming that the Dominican Republic has achieved over 70 percent hotel occupancy this summer, according to local media Arecoa.

“When we took control of the sector, it reached 15,000 operational rooms with an occupancy rate of 15%, today we have more than 73,000 rooms open with an occupancy rate of 73% in the last weeks,” said the official.

In addition, he stated that the reservations for the upcoming month of December exceed 26%, which was in the same season for 2019.

“The figures we are seeing are felt because they are a reality, we are focused on continuing to take the country to the point that it remains the largest tourist destination in the Caribbean,” he added.

Collado detailed that the government took the recovery of tourism very seriously, that is why it will continue to support each project, “we have not become an example in terms of the recovery issue since international organizations have congratulated us both for the protocols and for the handling at the time of reopening”.

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