12 to 17 storms forecast for this hurricane season

The 2023 hurricane season officially began on June 1. It is estimated that between 12 to 17 tropical storms will form, of which around five to nine could become hurricanes.

But how does this period find the Dominican Republic, and is the country really prepared to respond to natural phenomena?

According to forecasts for this hurricane season in the Atlantic basin, the number of cyclones may be within the average, but there is currently a question mark as to how the presence of the climatic phenomenon “El Niño” will affect the country.

The program Despierta con CDN held a panel with specialists who gave an overview of the season which will last until the end of November.

ONAMET informed that it has the necessary meteorological tools.

Meanwhile, the Civil Defense has already identified some 2,957 vulnerable zones and 57 critical points.

The Single System of Beneficiaries (SIUBEN) registered some 526 thousand households with high vulnerability to meteorological events during the cyclonic season.

Source: Elcaribe.com.do

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Dominican Republic Live Editor

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