MSP receives donation that will help strengthen epidemiological surveillance response capabilities

The Ministry of Public Health (MSP) received this Thursday a donation as part of a project financed by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI), with the objective of increasing health response capacities in the monitoring of vaccination points distributed throughout the national territory, epidemiological surveillance, resolution capacities, among other strategies.

The donation consists of the delivery of 7 electric motorcycles with their protective helmets and 2 vans, acquired for a total amount of DR 3,669,206.97, a contribution that also translates into the reduction of the incidence of diseases in the most vulnerable and difficult to access communities.

At the delivery ceremony, the Vice Minister of Strengthening and Development of the Health Sector, Mr. Miguel Rodríguez Viñas, thanked the Central American Bank for Economic Integration for this contribution, while stressing its importance, as it will contribute to better development and access to remote communities.

“This delivery will contribute to the prevention of diseases such as dengue and other diseases such as influenza and COVID-19, which still has a slight incidence in the country,” said Deputy Minister Viñas.

Meanwhile, the executive director of the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) for the Dominican Republic, Hostos Rizik, referred to the support of this entity to materialize cooperation and aid to the entire national territory.

“These are donations that contribute to transformation, that bring important contributions to the health and wellbeing of the population. This action allows to improve the capacity and attention”, Risik indicated.

Meanwhile, the Vice-Minister of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (Mepyd), Olaya Dotel, thanked the cooperating organization for “this contribution which also helps to reduce the impact of climate change and above all to improve the quality of life of Dominicans”.

In May of this year, CABEI donated to the Ministry of Public Health 150 Immunofluorescence Analyzers that measure Glycosylated Hemoglobins, 1500 bottles of urine strips, three vans, and the renovation of the situation room of the Vice-Ministry of Collective Health in a contribution valued at US$383,000.

These vehicles strengthen the distribution capacities of sanitary products to the provinces of the country, and at the same time the capacities for monitoring the conditions of the vaccine points distributed in the national territory, and the resolution capacities, through the epidemiological surveillance program, as well as the work of the National Laboratory doctor Defilló and other instances and their strategies, which imply day by day transfer tasks, sometimes to places of difficult access.


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Dominican Republic Live Editor

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