RD Trade Show in Miami: Will Attract 1.2M Tourists

With the closing of 42 agreements between tour operators and travel agents of the country and the Americas, at the Trade Show of the Ministry of Tourism (Mitur) in the city of Miami, the arrival of more than 1.2 million tourists is guaranteed, which would be added to the projections of some 4.6 million tourists arriving in the country during the rest of the year, according to Tourism Minister David Collado.

Trade Show MiamiThe portfolio’s goal is that by the end of 2024, the RD will be visited by 11 million people for tourism purposes.

“We are happy with what we have just done. We played diversity with sports agreements such as golf tourism, diving, or wedding plans, which our country considers of great importance, and we closed agreements with major Canadian airlines, extremely important for us,” said Collado.

The deals represented an estimated US$20 million, according to local press.

Each agreement was made in coordination with the Dominican private sector, such as the Association of Hotels and Tourism of the RD (Asonahores), Grupo Puntacana, financial entities or Aeropuertos Dominicanos Siglo XXI (Aerodom), among others.

In this regard, Paola Rainieri, CMO of the Puntacana Group, said that the fair is extremely important for the country, as it allows investors to learn about all that the country has to offer to the world.

Source: Arecoa.com

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