Puerto Plata’s tourism sector is trained in good business practices

The National Institute for the Protection of Consumer Rights (ProConsumidor) gave a talk to strengthen and promote good commercial practices in the tourism sector of Puerto Plata, with the objective of improving the quality of services and ensuring an excellent experience for visitors through trained suppliers.

The conference, entitled “Good Commercial Practices for Tourism Businesses”, was held at the Chamber of Commerce and Production of Puerto Plata, coordinated by the Puerto Plata Destination Tourism Cluster (CTDPP) at the request of the office of the Ministry of Tourism (Mitur) of the destination.

The activity included a lecture by engineer Cristian González, a standards analyst from the Department of Good Practices of Pro Consumidor, who addressed various legal topics and quality and service procedures, with the aim of providing the participants with the necessary tools to meet the expectations of national and international consumers.

During the training session, guidelines and guidance were provided to ensure that tourism businesses operate in a safe, ethical and responsible manner, so that merchants can provide a competitive service, with quality products, under proper hygiene practices and at fair and visible prices, so they announced that they will continue to carry out initiatives focused on these purposes.

“Promoting consumer protection on a voluntary basis, reducing the possibility of eventual sanctions for violation of regulations, are part of our objectives and the work mission of our director, Dr. Eddy Alcántara”, said the speaker.

During the conference, Mileyka Brugal, president of the Chamber of Commerce; Atahualpa Paulino, northern regional director of Mitur; Birgitt Heinsen, president of the Tourism Cluster and Nuryn Paulino, in charge of the provincial office of Proconsumidor, all agreed that by joining forces between the public and private sectors, effective compliance with the regulations that make the value chain of the tourism industry function positively will be achieved.

Source: Arecoa

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