Abinader: Government creates 657,000+ new jobs

President Luis Abinader spoke this Tuesday in LA Semanal con la Prensa about jobs and better salaries, and affirmed that more than 657,000 new and recovered jobs have been provided, from 2020 to date; in addition, 400 job fairs and employment days have been held.

The President also informed that 56% of the reduction in poverty is attributed to the increase in per capita labour income and that, according to the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development, poverty was reduced by 4.6 percentage points from 2019 to 2023.

Promoting decent employment

The president reported that from 2020 to date, 657,527 new and recovered jobs have been facilitated, according to the National Labour Force Survey.

Similarly, 509,344 new formal jobs affiliated to the TSS have been created. This indicates a growth of 87 %.

He pointed out that there are 168,279 young people formally employed in addition to those found in 2020 and specified that 400 job fairs and job days have been held.

The head of state indicated that there are 2 million women in employment, a figure he claims is the highest in history.

DR Portalento

On this subject, he said that with the support of the UNDP, various job fairs have been held for disabled people.

DR Works

In addition, the DR Trabaja programme has placed young people in formal employment.

National Wages Committee

He specified that there have been 2 minimum wage increases approved by the National Wages Committee from 2020 to 2024.

Also, 23 increases in the non-sectorised sectors, in the non-sectorised private sector 23 % in 2021 and 19 % in 2023.

In the free trade zones, in the industrial sector more than 39 %, while in hotels and restaurants 40 %.

President Abinader stressed that the total accumulated real wage growth has been 9.6 %.

Regarding the minimum wage increase in dollars, in August 2012 it was USD 208.2, in August 2020, USD 247 and in February 2024, USD 361.4.

This shows that the non-sectorised private real wage has been 15%, represented by 70% of the salaried workers in the country.

Quintile basket

La Semanal Con La Prensa Abinader EmpleosOn this subject, he stated that the minimum wage of large companies covers 92.9 % and of medium-sized companies 85.2 %, which is the highest level in the history of the country.

Reduction of poverty

The president reported that 56 % of the reduction in poverty is attributed to the increase in per capita labour income.

According to the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development, poverty was reduced by 4.6 percentage points from 2019 to 2023.

Mediation and arbitration

The head of state explained that the Ministry of Labour created the National School of Labour Mediation, through Resolution No. 09-23 dated 03/10/23, with the aim of mediating between employees and employers, with the participation of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).


He also indicated that during the pandemic, teleworking regulations were established and the project “Promotion of Teleworking as a Modality of Flexibility, Innovation and Decent Work” was launched.

Social security

In terms of social security, the president reported a 30.66% increase in affiliation to the Family Health Insurance (SFS), from 8,035,364 to 10,498,609 affiliates, until February 2024.

This means that more than 98% of the population now has health coverage under the SFS, including the affiliation of minors under the protection of Conani and SeNaSa.

Family Health Insurance

In the same vein, he also highlighted that the coverage of outpatient medicines in the Family Health Insurance increased from 8,000 to 12,000 pesos per member per year.

In addition, 70 new priority coverages, a 40 % increase in medical fees, a 50 % increase in inpatient consultations and a 15 % increase in room coverage, per member per day, have been added.

In addition, comprehensive coverage for renal transplants was included, with a limit of 3,500,000 pesos in the basic health plan for members of the contributory regime.

Coverage of high-cost drugs related to cancer treatment was expanded from 1 million pesos to 2,090,000 pesos.

Similarly, prophylactic mastectomy for prevention, breast reconstruction for breast cancer and PET-CT were included in the catalogue of the FSS health services plan.

Occupational Risks Insurance

For this sector, a minimum of 8,000 pesos was established for disability and survivors’ pensions, and 100% coverage was provided for funeral expenses due to occupational accidents.

Occupational health and safety

In order to comply with Regulation 522-06 on Occupational Safety and Health, 283 new companies were certified, while 243 renewed their certification.

In addition, the friendly guide to the use and application of pesticides was launched.


President Abinader also reported that more than 20,000 employees have benefited from the authorisation for the transfer to the pay-as-you-go system of public employees who were on the payroll in June 2003 and were affiliated to the AFP.

Also, more than 50,000 solidarity pensions were granted, including older adults, people with disabilities and single mothers in vulnerable states, and the benefits of the regulatory change were extended to facilitate the payment of disability and survivors’ pensions, and the term for claims was increased to 20 years.

The inheritance tax was eliminated for access to funds accumulated in the AFPs for the relatives of a deceased member.

The return of funds of those who contributed from the private sector to pay-as-you-go and were not included in the pension scheme was approved.

Finally, currently more than 28,000 families can request the withdrawal of more than 7,500 million pesos by reduction to 44 years to access the benefit of the return of contributions due to late entry.

Source: Presidencia.gob.do

Know More: Development

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