DR advances in women’s safety, according to Georgetown University

The Dominican Republic has made significant progress in improving women’s perception of community safety, increasing from 28.7 points in 2017, to 32 in 2023, according to the 2023 edition of the Global Women, Peace and Security (WPS) Index, published by the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security and the PRIO Center on Gender, Peace and Security, with support from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Women’s perception of community safety in the Dominican Republic has improved due to a comprehensive approach, including investment in programs and services, to prevent and address violence against women; enforcement of laws against domestic violence and other forms of violence against women; and public education on gender equality and women’s rights.

The index covers 177 countries and is based on a variety of indicators, including women’s participation in government and decision-making, access to education and employment, and safety from violence.

Other items where the Dominican Republic improved in the WPS Index from 2017 to 2023 included average years of schooling for women, which increased from 8.1 to 9.6, and the proportion of women in parliamentary seats, which increased from 24.3 to 25.7.

The full report can be accessed on the Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security website: https://giwps.georgetown.edu/.

Source: presidencia.gov.do

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