Environment protects turtles in Laguna Arrecifal Bávaro

The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources established by resolution the “Bávaro Reef Lagoon Ecological Recovery Area”, with the objective of strengthening the legal framework for the protection of marine biodiversity.

Resolution No. 0008/2024, signed by Minister Miguel Ceara Hatton on April 9, 2024, establishes the necessary restrictions to mitigate the negative impact on sea turtle populations that may be impacted by vessels used in tourism activities.

The new protection area covers 18.4 square kilometers of marine space, delimited by specific coordinates, and is established for the purpose of conserving endangered sea Tortugas Marina Bávaroturtle populations, explained José Ramón Reyes, the Ministry’s Vice Minister of Coastal and Marine Affairs.

He indicated that the Environment is implementing a rigorous management and regulation program to guarantee compliance with the protection measures established for the species.

Among the main provisions of the resolution are the speed and access restrictions for boats, prohibition of fishing activities and anchoring of boats within the protected areas, as well as the imposition of sanctions for those who violate these provisions.

In addition, the entity instructs various government entities to take active measures in environmental surveillance and education, with the objective of promoting awareness of the importance of marine preservation and endangered species.

Source: Arecoa.com

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