Abinader leads monitoring of citizen security

President Luis Abinader is currently heading the meeting to follow up on the Citizen Security Plan to continue guaranteeing the well-being of Dominicans in the country.

The meeting is being held in the Officers’ Club Hall of the National Police Palace, where they continue with the evaluation of the tasks assigned, achievements obtained and the measures to continue with the strengthening of security in the country.

Abinader Seguridad CiudadanaJoining the Head of State are the Minister of the Presidency, Joel Santos, and the Minister of the Interior and Police, Jesús Vásquez Martínez; the director of the National Police, Major General Ramón Antonio Guzmán Peralta; the commander general of the Army of the RD, Major General Carlos Antonio Fernández Onofre; the commander general of the Navy of the RD, Vice Admiral Agustín Morillo Rodríguez, and the commander general of the Air Force, Major General Carlos Ramón Febrillet Rodríguez, as well as the executive commissioner for Police Reform, Luis Ernesto García Hernández.

Also, the head of the General Directorate of Transit Security and Land Transportation (Digesett), general Francisco Osoria de la Cruz; the director of the Tourism Police (Politur), general Minoru Matsunaga; the deputy director of the National Police, general Juan Hilario Guzmán Badía, and the director of Internal Affairs of the National Police, general Ramón Ramírez.

Also, the director of Intrant, pilot colonel Randolfo Rijo Gómez; of the School Police, colonel Martín Miguel Tapia Sánchez, and of Prisons, Roberto Hernández Basilio.

Other Participants

Also participating in the meeting are the deputy prosecutor and head of the Directorate of Prosecution of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, Yeni Berenice Reynoso, and a commission of prosecutors composed of the prosecutor of the National District, Rosalba Ramos; of Santiago, Osvaldo Bonilla; of San Cristóbal, Fadulia Rosa; of La Vega, Aura Luz García; of María Trinidad Sánchez, Juan Antonio Mateo Ciprián; of La Altagracia, Claudia Garrido; of San Pedro de Macorís, Suleika Mateo; of Duarte, Smaily Yamel Rodríguez; of Dajabón, Yeisin Alcántara; of Espaillat, Yorelbin Rivas; of La Romana, Kevin Santan, and of Santo Domingo Oeste, Eduard López.

Also, the chief prosecutor of Santo Domingo East, Milciades Guzman; of Barahona, Wellington Matos Espinal; of Peravia. Ángel Darío Tejeda Fabal; of Valverde, Víctor Mejía; of Hermanas Mirabal, Zoila Agustina Rodríguez Ynfante; of Puerto Plata, Kelmi Dúncan; of Monseñor Nouel, Joel López; and of San Juan, Adolfo Augusto Féliz Pérez.

Source: Presidencia.gob.do

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