CESAC shares Dominican civil aviation and airport security model with international experts

The second day of the Eleventh Meeting of the Regional Group on Aviation Security and Facilitation of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission (CLAC), began with the presentation “CESAC experiences in the implementation of AVSEC measures in aviation.

The development of this first presentation was in charge of the deputy director of the Specialized Corps in Airport Security and Civil Aviation (CESAC), Colonel Dionisio de la Rosa, FARD, who explained how the institution has been evolving, thanks to the implementation of measures to meet the challenges that have been presented.

He also spoke about “the best practices that have been developed, so that the States can develop them whenever their legal and administrative structures allow them to do so”.

He warned that they do not intend to present themselves as the best model, but rather to share local experience in order to take advantage of those aspects that may be applicable.

The deputy director of CESAC explained that the Dominican Republic has the appropriate legal and administrative structure to be able to operate in a smooth and sustainable manner in terms of airport security and civil aviation.

He highlighted that thanks to Decree 28-97, which gave rise to the institution, and with the enactment of Law 188-11, a higher regulation that establishes that security policies depend on the National Committee for Civil Aviation Security (CONASAC).

The CONASAC is a collegiate body chaired by the Minister of Defense, Lieutenant General Carlos Luciano Díaz Morfa, ERD, who yesterday formally opened this Eleventh Regional Meeting, which has already been described as “the most attended in its history and with the greatest receptivity from the participating countries and territories”.

The presentation, headed by the Director General of CESAC, Brigadier General Floreal Suarez Martinez, FARD, corresponds to the first intervention within the framework of the workshop “AVSEC/FAL Conversations”.

The general director of CESAC, thus expressed: “In this management of the constitutional Government of the Dominican Republic headed by President Luis Abinader Corona, and that under the guidelines of our Minister of Defense, all measures and procedures found have been strengthened, which has resolved issues such as double inspection in the cargo area.”

“Today we have an inspection process that saves time and avoids, among other situations, that the cold chain is broken in relation to perishable products. In addition, that in the present management has been established and strengthened communication between the different actors of civil aviation and CESAC, which currently hold more harmonious relations and processes.”

The activity continues today with the following topics: AVSEC/FAL Collaboration with ICAO States, Advances in universal accessibility for air transport in the Dominican Republic, Training and human factors in aviation security, among others.

Source: presidencia.gov.do

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