Conape benefited more than 300,000 seniors during 2023

Some 300,000 elderly people improved their quality of life through the benefits of the National Council for the Aging Person (Conape), which last year 2023 provided them with 6,528,979 services, with an investment of over DR 1.24 billion, thus exceeding the goals programmed in the National Multiannual Public Sector Plan.

Last year Conape carried out several works, provided thousands of supplies, such as orthopedic beds, wheelchairs, canes, and other items necessary for the mobility and improvement of the health and physical well-being of older adults, who have been able to substantially improve their quality of life and mitigate their vulnerabilities.

An important achievement of the past 2023 is the benefit of 17,465 solidarity pensions to an equal number of elderly people, granted through eight presidential decrees, with a monthly amount of 6,000 pesos each, which sets a precedent in the history of the DR, because for the first time, so many elderly people receive this benefit.

Among the achievements obtained during 2023 are: universal access to quality health and social security; the implementation of cross-cutting policies: gender, territorial cohesion, environmental sustainability, risk management, human rights and social participation.

Also, the construction and equipping of the San Rafael de Yuma Day Care Center, with an investment of DR 13,350,064, which houses more than 125 older adults, through face-to-face and home-based programs.

In addition, in coordination with the Banco de Reservas, the Villa Tapia, Los Alcarrizos and Capotillo homes were refurbished at a cost of DR 29,598,969.

Also, a 29-passenger bus was delivered to benefit the senior citizens of San Juan province, and three double-cabin vans were delivered to the municipalities of Boca de Cachón, in Jimaní, and San Rafael del Yuma in La Altagracia and Santiago.

The executive director of Conapa, Dr. José García Ramírez, said that, in addition to the resources obtained by the institution, the international cooperation and exchanges, master conferences, seminars, specialized consultancies and other actions, served as a basis for these and other achievements, which can be seen in the efficiency of the services received by the elderly, which are becoming more and more effective.

“For this year 2024, which has just begun, the institution will continue to grow, so that more and more senior citizens receive more and better services, and to continue advancing in the programs and actions that we have initiated, as is the case of the carnetization of senior citizens, in compliance with Law 352-98”, he said.

This is a distinctive that would positively impact the quality of life of the elderly, since it provides them with discounts of 30% in the prices of general admission or economic rate in recreation and entertainment activities, such as cinemas, theaters, sports and public shows, as long as they are not duly authorized charitable activities.

It also entitles them to a 30% discount on public transportation in intercity buses, 20% in public cars, except for the hours between 6 and 9 a.m. and 4 and 6 p.m. The card entitles adults to a 30% discount on public transportation in intercity buses and 20% in public cars.

The card entitles senior citizens to a 15% discount on medical/health services in private hospitals and clinics; 10% discount on private medical consultations, plus a discount of one percentage point on the interest rate on home mortgage loans for own use and exoneration on the cost of tuition and monthly fees in state educational institutions.


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Dominican Republic Live Editor

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