DR program guarantees food for two million students

The National Student Welfare Institute (Inabie) reported today that the Dominican Republic provides food to more than two million of the 3.8 million students who receive this service in the region.

The institution specified that approximately 53 percent of the students favored in the Caribbean with plans of this type reside in this Caribbean nation.

It explained that these data are the result of an analysis based on the report “State of School Feeding in Latin America and the Caribbean”, prepared by the World Food Program (WFP) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).


On the occasion of the commemoration of World Food Day on Monday, Inabie highlighted the commitment of the Executive to achieve 100 percent coverage of schoolchildren.

In this regard, he pointed out that, as an institution executing the largest social program of the Dominican State, this entity delivers more than five million food rations daily.

World Food Day is commemorated every October 16, a date promoted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) with the objective of making countries aware of the urgency of eliminating hunger in the world.

This year the main message is “Water is life, water nourishes. Leave no one behind”, to highlight the importance of water for people, economies and nature.

Source: almomento.net

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