Three DR institutions recognized in Ibero-American Award

Three institutions from the Dominican Republic were recognized during the celebration of the XXIV Ibero-American Quality Award and IV Awards for Best Practices in the area of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2023.

In an activity headed by the Minister of Public Administration, Dario Castillo Lugo, the Ibero-American Foundation for Quality Management (Fundibeq) recognized the National Energy Commission (CNE) with a special mention in the Ibero-American Quality Award; while the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Mipymes, as well as the National Health Insurance (SeNaSa) were awarded gold and silver, respectively, in the awards for best practices in SDGs.

The CNE, winner of the National Quality Award in 2022, is an institution in charge of outlining the State’s policy in the energy sector and establishes the activities of the electricity, hydrocarbons, alternative sources and rational use of energy subsectors. The scope of its functions includes the development of programs and projects to encourage the development of renewable energy sources, efficiency and rational use of energy. It has 304 employees, 155 women and 149 men.

For the period 2021-2024, the CNE seeks to ensure the country’s insertion into the competitive development of the global economy and operational efficiency based on the efficient use of energy resources.

For its part, the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Miphymes, winner of the 2023 National Quality Award, took the gold distinction at the fourth SDG awards ceremony after presenting the Center for Training and Research in Plastics (CCIP) project, which was established through an inter-institutional agreement together with the Dominican Plastics Industry Association (Adiplast) and the Santo Domingo Institute of Technology (Intec), to jointly develop and sponsor projects and initiatives in the areas of sustainable production practices, recycling, waste management, circular economy and waste recovery, cleaner production, productivity and innovation, eco-design, and biopolymers.

This project was conceived in May 2022, through the triple helix alliance of innovation: the State, the Academy and the Industry, being CCIP the only center in the Dominican Republic of this nature.

While SeNaSA took the silver recognition thanks to the “Health for All” project, which is part of its Institutional Strategic Planning (PEI), which in turn is aligned to six of the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals set out in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Government’s objectives for the period 2020/24.

The purposes of this project are based on the effective management of the user portfolio, steadily increasing a base of loyal affiliates, where it seeks to provide health coverage to those citizens in vulnerable conditions who do not have health insurance, reducing the financial burden that prevents many families from accessing the necessary care, in addition to preventing diseases and promoting healthy lifestyles.

The main objective of this project was to affiliate two million citizens to the Subsidized Regime, going from 78% of affiliates in 2020 to 96% in 2023.

Minister Castillo Lugo highlighted that some 10 public and private sector organizations, among them seven foreign ones, from Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, Spain and Mexico, and three Dominican ones, have been recognized for excellence in their institutional management, becoming regional references in the sectors they represent, such as Energy, Health, Industry, among others.

“In keeping with our institutional values, the Ministry of Public Administration consistently supports the continuous improvement in the quality of the services offered by public bodies and entities to citizens”, said the head of the Ministry of Public Administration (MAP), when he delivered the keynote address at the event.

Meanwhile, the president of FUNDIBEQ, Juan Luis Martín Cuesta, pointed out the progress made in the public administration of the Dominican Republic when he listed the winners of the awards granted by this organization in recent years.

Other winners

Within the framework of the XXIV Ibero-American Quality Award, the Helios Salud Medical Center of Argentina won the gold medal, as did the private electricity producer, Iberdrola Mexico.

The silver medal went to Ecuador’s Operador Nacional de Electricidad – Cenace, while the Colombian Association of Cooperatives (Ascoop) received a special mention. The Colombian pension fund administrator Porvenir S.A. was recognized for its long history of excellence in quality.

The statuettes were presented by Castillo Lugo and Martín Cuesta in the company of the Acting Administrative Minister of the Presidency, Igor Rodríguez.


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