Mirex obtains Colombian cooperation with more than 10,000 scholarships for Dominicans

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Dominican Embassy in Colombia were able to grant 10,300 scholarships for Dominicans in Colombian universities in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Among the Colombian academic institutions offering this set of scholarships in virtual education are: the Colombian Institute of Educational Credit and Technical Studies Abroad (Icetex), Universidad del Rosario, the Colombian School of Public Administration (ESAP), Universidad de Manizales, Universidad de Caldas, Universidad Católica de Manizales, Manizales Campus Universitario, Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA), Corporación Universitaria Santa Rosa de Cabal and Universidad Autónoma de Manizales.

The event was attended by the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology, Franklin García Fermín; the Minister of Public Administration, Darío Castillo; on behalf of Chancellor Roberto Álvarez, the Vice-Minister for Economic Affairs and International Cooperation of Mirex, Hugo Fco. Rivera, and the Dominican Ambassador to Colombia, Félix Aracena Vargas.

Deputy Minister Rivera stressed that “in the foreign policy of the Dominican Republic led by President Luis Abinader, promoting all necessary efforts to create learning and knowledge opportunities for the professional development of Dominicans is one of the fundamental issues. Therefore, we receive these 10,300 scholarships with the highest sense of gratitude and with the firm commitment that our human talents will take full advantage of them to further enhance their professional and personal skills while honoring and defending the prestige of the universities that will train them”.

For his part, the Minister of Mescyt said that he will coordinate in a participatory manner with various institutions so that these scholarships reach the right places as instructed by President Luis Abinader and, therefore, “have a positive impact for the Dominican Republic”.

Meanwhile, the Dominican ambassador to Colombia, Félix Aracena Vargas, pondered that “this unprecedented initiative not only seeks to benefit a significant number of Dominicans, but also aims to enhance their technical and professional skills through specialized training programs in key areas for national progress at the undergraduate and graduate levels”.

Likewise, Colombia’s ambassador to the country, Dario Villamizar, emphasized that this initiative is the fruit of the solid cooperation between the two sister nations. “I am certain that the Dominicans who will attend these courses, diplomas, undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, will take advantage of this opportunity and will once again leave the name of their country on high,” he added.

Also present at the activity were the Vice Minister of Cooperation of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development, Olaya Dotel; the rector of the Institute of Higher Education in Diplomatic and Consular Training, José Rafael Espaillat; authorities of the Colombian universities that donate the scholarships, as well as directors and other officials of various government institutions.

Source: Presidencia.gob.do

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