National Breastfeeding Commission: achievements and plans

The Ministry of Public Health (MSP) met this Wednesday with the institutions that make up the National Breastfeeding Commission, with the objective of taking stock of the plans programmed for the rest of the current year, as well as to point out the achievements and strategies developed so far this year, and to raise the main challenge of continuing to promote breastfeeding in the population.

The activity was led by Dr. Clavel Sanchez, secretary of the National Breastfeeding Commission, who stressed the importance of continuing to promote breastfeeding in the population and creating joint strategies that contribute to strengthen and comply with the Law for the Protection and Promotion of Breastfeeding in the country.

Mentioned Achievements

Among the achievements mentioned, she referred to the advisory services provided to institutions that opened their respective “Breastfeeding Family Friendly Rooms” for the benefit of their employees, including the Pension and Retirement Office, Banco de Reservas, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, National Institute of Drinking Water and Sewerage (Inapa), National Institute of Integral Attention to Early Childhood (Inaipi), among others.

It also dealt with the follow-up and support for the strengthening of milk banks; the recognition of the Sala Amiga de la Familia Lactante in the work environment; technical accompaniment to the institutions of the National Health System for a gender approach; in addition, the support and promotion of the extension of effective Comisión Nacional Lactancia Maternapaternity leave; the promotion of breastfeeding from the educational sector, among other actions.

She highlighted the participation of the RD in the National Meeting on Breastfeeding and Healthy Complementary Feeding, held in Brazil.

“These objectives are supported within the framework of Law 8-95, responsible for the promotion, protection and support of breastfeeding, in order to guarantee the life, health and integral development of children,” she said.

The National Breastfeeding Commission is integrated by the Ministries of Health, Education, Industry, Commerce, Mipymes, Culture; in addition, the National Health Service (SNS), the National Association of Private Clinics (Andeclip), Proconsumidor, the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP), the Dominican Society of Pediatrics, union organizations, among other institutions, committed to the promotion and protection of breastfeeding in the country.


It is the milk produced in the breast; it should be implemented from the birth of the baby exclusively until 6 months of life and is complemented with food up to two years of age. It is the optimal way to feed babies, as it provides them with the necessary nutrients for better development and nutrition, strengthening their immune system.


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