Promipyme: RD 70 million in credits in SFM

The National Council for the Promotion and Support of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Promipyme) disbursed DR 70 million in loans to 300 beneficiaries, 51% of which are women.

These loans are part of a broader program that has so far distributed a total of DR 2.4 billion from November 2023 to April 2024, benefiting the province of Duarte, with DR 140 million in its first phase.

Fabricio Gómez Mazara, director of Promipyme, highlighted the entity’s commitment to local development: “We strive to take our credits directly to the communities, reducing poverty and creating employment, in addition to expanding credit offers with financial and non-financial services, including training and technical assistance”.

San Francisco de Macorís priority on the agenda

The official emphasized that San Francisco de Macorís is a priority in the government’s development agenda, and assured that “we have already initiated actions”.

Promipyme otorga RD 70 millones en créditos como impulso económico en San Francisco de MacorísHe highlighted that 51% of the loans have gone to women, in line with President Luis Abinader’s commitment to support small-scale entrepreneurs in the region.

“We bring good news and reaffirm our commitment to deliver DR 70 million to 300 beneficiaries in critical sectors such as, services, industry and commerce, where 51 % are loans for women,” stated Gomez Mazara.

In his speech, he pointed out his mission to strengthen the development of the people of Franco-Macoris through the financial inclusion of entrepreneurs and small and medium businesses, contributing to the sustainability of their enterprises. “We firmly believe in the transformative potential of the Duarte province and its people. We are determined to support its progress,” he said.

In conclusion, Gómez Mazara commented on the political context: “The RD is experiencing a democratic consolidation with a human approach, led by Luis Abinader, who emphasizes effort because for him, people come first. Our president is committed to building a society that continually prospers and enriches,” he concluded.


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