Edesur illuminates four communities in Azua

Edesur Dominicana illuminated four communities in the province of Azua with more than 200 luminaires, as part of the company’s actions to contribute to public safety.

Edesur Ilumina ComunidadesThe places impacted were the municipality of Las Charcas, and the municipal districts Palmar de Ocoa, El Ganadero and Proyecto 4.

Edesur’s administrator, Milton Morrison, said that these works have an impact on more than 700 families and hundreds of passers-by who move around the area.

The municipal councilors and representatives of each community, such as Mayor Brenny Fontánez and district directors Edwin Díaz (Project 4), Oriolis Amador (El Ganadero), and José Luis Peguero (Palmar de Ocoa), expressed their gratitude to Edesur Dominicana and its administrator Milton Morrison for their commitment to the development and well-being of these communities.

Source: Presidencia.gob.do

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