ADTS presents strategies to develop medical tourism

The Dominican Association of Health Tourism (ADTS) presented a plan to boost health tourism, a niche that generates US$100 billion globally.

Alejandro Cambiaso, president of the entity, explained that the purpose is to strengthen the quality of the offer, attract patients and promote the country as a destination for health and wellness tourism.

He proposed the enforcement of local qualification standards and the elaboration of a program to promote international certifications and accreditations.

“The proposal contemplates designing a plan for attracting talent and training professionals, nurses and technicians, with the aim of creating a culture of quality and safety throughout the sector’s value chain,” he said.

He explained that they are developing a strategic marketing plan for the sustainable development of health and wellness tourism.

“Also, to create and position a country website on “Health and Wellness Tourism in the Dominican Republic” and to receive government support to elaborate the fourth version of the Health and Wellness Tourism Guide,” he added.

He also indicated that the Dominican Republic will be promoted as a destination for health and wellness tourism on social networks and in outbound destinations, according to El Dia.

The proposal includes the design of a National Health Tourism Council and the formal execution of the actions contained in decree 787-21, issued by President Luis Abinader.

The proposals were put forward during the discussion “Health Tourism in Santiago, organized by the Dominican Association of Industrialists of the Northern Region, the Chamber of Commerce and Production of Santiago and the Free Zones Corporation of Santiago.

According to the same, in 2022 the country received 162,902 thousand international patients, of which 179,85 thousand sought dental treatments, 40 thousand plastic surgeries and 26,290 other surgeries.


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