Agriculture provides RD 140 million for banana sector development

The Minister of Agriculture, Limber Cruz, delivered around RD 140 million to the Dominican Association of Banana Producers (Adobanano), for the recovery and development of this important productive sector at the national level.

The head of the agricultural portfolio handed over a check for RD 70 million and said that a second installment will be delivered for approximately another RD 70 million, of which RD 52 million will be destined to the purchase of inputs and fertilizers through the Northwest Regional Office of this Ministry.

He stressed the importance of the sector for the dynamism of exports and the maintenance of national food security, with a finished product of quality and safety. At the same time, he highlighted the position achieved by the Dominican Republic in banana exports, especially organic production.

Hilario Pellegrini, president of Adobanano, thanked on behalf of the producers for the support of President Luis Abinader through Agriculture and the Agricultural Cabinet, by listening to the countryside and allocating measures that favor the productive sectors. He emphasized that the country remains one of the main exporters of bananas in the world.

The administrator of the Agricultural Bank, Fernando Durán, informed that this entity has restructured around 60% of the debts of the producers affected by the past rains and indicated that it has financed more than 1,800 million in loans to the banana growers.

The delivery took place in the minister’s office and was attended by authorities of the Agricultural Cabinet and an important delegation of the banana sector.


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