Asonahores supports women in vulnerable situations

The Integral Development Centers for Women (CEDI-Mujer) announced the signing of an inter-institutional collaboration agreement with the Association of Hotels and Tourism of the RD (Asonahores), through which both entities are committed to promoting actions that contribute to the labor insertion of women in vulnerable situations.

The announcement was made by David Llibre, president of Asonahores and Ana Lendor, director of CEDI-Mujer, which is a program coordinated by the Social Policy Cabinet (GPS).

During the meeting, Lendor emphasized that “the purpose of CEDI-Mujer is to be a safe space for Dominican women in vulnerable conditions to access services that allow them to be economically autonomous, live in an environment free of violence and take care of their sexual and reproductive health”.

Commitment to tourism

Meanwhile, Llibre, president of Asonahores, indicated that the entity is firmly committed to promoting this program in the tourism sector so that, within the Ciudad Mujer program, they can develop technical skills that will enable their independence and economic development.

Mujer En Situación De VulnerabilidadThrough the agreement, Asonahores will promote among its members the opportunity to develop technical skills through internships for women in vulnerable situations who are beneficiaries of CEDI-Mujer, in order to achieve their labor insertion and thus achieve their independence and economic development.

CEDI-Mujer is committed to carry out a psychosocial diagnosis of the beneficiaries, offer different training activities, and provide them with an incentive for their training process.

The initiative adds to the public-private alliances that CEDI-Mujer promotes with the objective of achieving the economic autonomy of the women of our country.

The signing of the agreement is evidence of the strong social commitment of both entities, and is also a call for public and private entities to carry out joint actions to support women on their way to economic autonomy.


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