Police corridors and illumination in university surroundings

The Minister of Interior and Police, Jesús Vásquez Martínez, guaranteed to university rectors that in the next few days, police corridors will be established and the surroundings of the academies will be illuminated, focused on the security of the educational community and all citizens.

During a meeting in the academic council room of the Unphu rectory, in which he participated accompanied by the director of the National Police, Major General Ramon Antonio Guzman Peralta, among other topics, the official affirmed that this country had not achieved so many things in the articulation of the fight against crime.

“Above all with what has to do with the dignity of those who work in these actions,” he said, and assured that they will work tirelessly to guarantee protection to the entire population.

Meanwhile, the rector of the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (Intec), Julio Sánchez Maríñez, expressed his interest in guaranteeing the conditions of vigilance and security in the areas through which the students travel to and from the centers.

In view of this, Guzmán Peralta established the link and closeness with the representatives of the main universities of the National District and expressed the priority attention they will give to security. “Let them know that their authorities are attentive to what they require and what their needs are”.

The administrative vice-minister of the Catholic University, Father Ramón García, expressed the great importance of creating a unit and focusing police units to be sent to patrol the university zones.

In addition, the rectors, by consensus, immediately identified the lack of lighting so that the Empresa Distribuidora de Energía del Sur (Edesur) could do the corresponding work.

Also present were Editrudis Beltrán, rector of the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (UASD); Miguel Fiallo Calderón, of the Universidad Pedro Henríquez Ureña (Unphu); Franklyn Holguín Haché, of Unapec; and Odile Camilo Vincent, rector of the Universidad Iberoamericana (Unibe).

Source: Presidencia.gob.do

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