The 10 pavilions exhibited at the Book Fair 2023

The start of the 25th International Book Fair 2023 took place last Saturday and opened the door for Dominicans to enjoy the 10 pavilions set up for the literary and cultural activities developed in each one.

These events will be held daily in these spaces to promote art, reading, recreation and other related areas.

Among the pavilions available are the Publishing Pavilion, the Blue Poetry Pavilion, the Imagination Pavilion, Dominican Authors and Literary Workshops, the Israel Pavilion, the Comic Pavilion, the Jeannette Miller Pavilion, the Citizenship Pavilion, the State Institutions Pavilion and the Reading Animation Pavilion.


This is the first pavilion at the entrance to the Book Fair, located at the second door of the Eduardo Brito National Theater, and adorned with a blue frame with its name inscribed on it, bordering the entrance.

The same consists of different activities ranging from 45 minutes onwards, the first activity on Sunday begins at 10 am with the Colloquium: “Relationship of poetry with other literary genres”.

In addition, at 11 o’clock there will be the presentation of books by international authors such as Esther Bendahan and José María de la Quintana, and Dominican authors such as Osiris Madera. In the afternoon there will be a poetry reading and a discussion: “Do we learn to create?” with the speaker Alejandro Gándara.


This pavilion is divided by stands where different publishers sell books under their signature, in the case of the Dominican-Puerto Rican publisher, Isla Negra, for this edition of the Fair brought 15 different new works that were published for distribution at this festival.

In this pavilion there is also a stand of Grupo Planeta whose books are more popular such as “Shadowhunters”, “Alice in Wonderland” and Bridget Jones’s Diary.

The main book stand is that of Editora Nacional, which distributes Dominican books along with other publishers in the pavilion. There are also Cuban, Spanish and Mexican publishers selling different titles, from history to poetry.


This is located in the National Museum of History and Geography, which in addition to having the rooms that are normally open to the public, such as the Hall of the Homeland, Geography, History and Executions of Trujillo and the Guerrilla of Caamaño, has enabled a second floor set in Israel with music and elements of their culture.

There is a recreation of the Dead Sea and other characteristic elements of the country, as well as a room for children where they can draw and learn about Israel.

There are also rooms on curiosities, history and literature of this country. There is also a room dedicated to the technological advances made by Israelis and about the history of the Holocaust and the support Israel received from the Dominican Republic during this period.


This pavilion dedicated to highlighting Dominican illustrations and illustrators is located behind the Paseo de la Lectura and has three rooms where there will be talks on the evolution of comics, audiovisuals created by Dominicans and video game competitions to spread the love of this art.


The Jeannette Miller Pavilion and the Dominican Authors Pavilion are two spaces located in the Pedro Henríquez Ureña National Library and dedicated to highlighting Dominican literary figures. The first is dedicated to the author to whom this year’s Fair is dedicated, and showcases Miller’s life and works.

While in the second pavilion, in addition to selling books by Dominican authors to cultivate the reading of local writers, there are also exhibitions on Dominican literature, as well as literary workshops.


This is one of the most innovative spaces, where the Pontifica Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra (Pucmm), the Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (Intec) and the Instituto Técnico Superior Comunitario (ITCS) present projects and interactive technologies developed by their students.

It has eight experiences ranging from examples of robots or technological equipment, to virtual reality experiences, immersive games and 4D technology.

In addition to these experiences for young people and children, there are talks and discussions for visitors in the same line.


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Dominican Republic Live Editor

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