Nautical tourism expands all-inclusive offers

Juan Bancalari, president of the Dominican Association of Marinas and Yacht Clubs (ADMC), stressed that “nautical tourism has the advantage of expanding the all-inclusive tourism offer and improving its quality”.

He highlighted the multiple options offered by the RD, from exploring the Colonial Zone and the Jarabacoa Falls in La Vega, to whale watching in Samana or enjoying golf in Punta Cana, among others.

“Annually, around 3,000 vessels arrive in the country (yachts, mega yachts, sportfish, sailboats-catamarans and transit boats), equivalent to 10% of some 30,000 vessels Turismo Nauticothat cross the Caribbean during the high season, which is registered during the winter in Europe and the United States,” he said.

He explained that if it is 10%, with expectations of doubling, according to experts in the nautical subject, it would be equivalent to an average expense by boat of US$1,500 weekly. A month would be US$18 million and for five months of the season would be between US$90 million and US$100 million and about US$150 million adding the sport fishing tourism in summer with the current offer.

The tourism businessmen explained that the target public for this type of activities and vacations is very heterogeneous. They cited as an example that those who come for sport fishing are usually between 40 and 60 years old, but those who arrive on sailboats are on average between 50 and 60 years old, although they arrive with their families aged 25 or younger, according to El Dinero.


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