Ministry of Culture announces winning works of the XXX National Visual Arts Biennial

The Ministry of Culture announced this Tuesday the winning works of the XXX National Biennial of Visual Arts (BNAV), in a press conference headed by its head, Milagros German, held in the auditorium of the Museum of Modern Art (MAM).

The grand jury of the biennial, made up of the award and selection juries, awarded the grand prize to the drawing “Portrait of Pandemics (Polyptych – 15)”, by Julio Valdez, a prize of 1 million pesos.

The jury awarded nine equal prizes to the paintings “Urban Garden II”, by Susan Mézquita, and “El rancho de Tula”, by Yuly Monción, as well as to the installations “Icons of a tear and a heart”, by Yolanda Naranjo; “El dije (historias entrelazadas)”, by América Olivo, and “La isla”, by Luis Alberto Checo Muñoz.

The same award went to “Capilla del encuentro”, by the collective formed by Carlos Oliva, Ignacio Alcántara and Raymundo Martínez; “Andromorfia”, by Domingo Abreu (Ico), and “Techo a dos aguas”, by Marcos Lora Reid.

Completing the group of award-winning works is the ceramic “La última cena”, by Enrique Royo.

The jury also awarded honorable mentions to the works “Merengue yerto, desde el sur”, painting by Rosalba Hernández; “Eterno interludio”, photography by Fued Yamil Koussa Méndez; and the installations “Atravesando la nebulosa del tiempo y la memoria”, by Ezequiel Taveras, and “La bolita”, by Lorraine Franco.

The announcement was made by Myrna Guerrero, who read the document containing the decision of the award jury, composed of herself, Carlos Acero Ruiz, both Dominicans, and Angela Garcia, American, who selected the nine winning works, whose authors will receive a prize of 300,000 pesos each.

Artists and lovers of the visual arts attended the event to learn the results of the evaluation process of the works, which have been on display since August 26.

The Minister of Culture, Milagros Germán, congratulated the artists and recognized the dedicated work of the jury in this evaluation process, demonstrating their commitment to the stimulation, projection and development of the visual arts in the Dominican Republic.

He also expressed his appreciation to art lovers in the country, and to the press, for the continued support given to this XXX Biennial, manifested not only through visits to the exhibition to date, but also in the signs of satisfaction and positive assessments that these have poured both in their work, family and social environments as well as, through networks and media.

“This satisfaction and positive evaluation is a recognition of the hard work, dedication and commitment of the men and women of our institutions, both the Vice-Ministry of Creativity and Artistic Education, led by Giovanny Cruz, and the Museum of Modern Art, directed by Federico Fondeur, and the valuable contribution and effort of each of the members of the Organizing Committee, as well as all the collaborators of this beautiful project,” said Germán.

The Minister of Culture invited the population to continue enjoying this event, the most important of the Dominican visual arts, dedicated on this occasion to the master Jorge Pineda, in tribute to whom can also be visited at the MAM the exhibition “New Anatomies”, which includes drawings, paintings and installations that were made by the renowned artist between 1990 and 2015.

Likewise, he reminded that the XXX Biennial of Visual Arts will remain open until December 15, when a certificate will be delivered, for the first time, to each participating work, as well as the cash prizes to the winners.

Organizing Committee

The Organizing Commission is made up of Giovanny Cruz, president; Gamal Michelén, advisor, and Federico Fondeur, coordinator, as well as members Marianne de Tolentino, Ana Agelán Fernández, José Sejo, Guadalupe Casasnovas, Juan Julio Bodden Leroux, Plinio Chahín, Salvador Bergés and María Amalia León.


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