Ministry of Economy reports approval of 94 projects

The Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (MEPyD) reports that in August 2023, 94 public investment projects were approved, for a cumulative total of 1,127 projects in the January-August period, which is 2.4 times higher than the same period of the previous year.

The total cost of the projects approved in August was DR 5,878 million, for a cumulative cost for the year of DR 142,338.3 million, the highest in the last five years.

The publication of the General Directorate of Public Investment, based on information from the National System of Public Investment (SNIP), indicates that 97.1% of the projects approved in January-August corresponded to the central government (1,094 projects), followed by 1.3% by public companies (15 projects) and, in third place, 1% by public, decentralized and autonomous institutions (11 projects).

The document indicates that the highest cost is for central government projects, for an amount of DR 124,061.2 million (87.2 % of the total approved in January-August 2023).

Functional classification

The report details that 60.6 % of the projects approved in August correspond to the Transportation function (57 projects). It adds that the analysis by cost of the projects shows that the largest amount approved in August also corresponds to the Transportation function with DR 3,437.3 million.

For the January-August period, adds the publication, DR 102,633.5 of the approved projects correspond to Transportation, of which 58.8% will be destined to the reconstruction of urban road infrastructure.

Geographical location

The document explains that, of the 94 projects approved in August, La Altagracia, La Vega and El Seibo represent the provinces with the highest number of projects approved in August (12, 12 and 9 projects, respectively).

Of the total projects approved in La Altagracia, 58.3% will be for recreational and sports services, while in La Vega and El Seibo, 91.7% and 66.8%, respectively, will be for road transportation.

Of the amount approved in August, 17.1% is located in the province of El Seibo, of which 94.2% will be allocated to road transportation. On the other hand, of the 14.7% located in La Vega, 80.4% of its amount will be allocated for the same purposes.

Executing Institutions

In August 2023, the executing institutions with the most projects approved were Public Works, with 61 projects for an amount of DR 3,666.7 million and the Presidential Commission for the Support of Provincial Development, with 28 projects for an amount of DR 622.2 million.

They are followed by the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INDRHI), the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Development (MEPyD) and the Center for Industrial Development and Competitiveness, with one project respectively.


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