Abinader inaugurates CAID in SDE

President Luis Abinader completed an agenda this Saturday in Greater Santo Domingo, where he inaugurated a new Center for Integral Attention to Disability (CAID).

The president inaugurated a new CAID in Santo Domingo East for the evaluation, diagnosis and therapeutic process of children aged 0-12 years with autism spectrum disorder, Down syndrome and cerebral palsy.

There they receive services such as speech, occupational, social skills and music therapy, which enable them to achieve the necessary competencies for their incorporation into social life.

“The CAID was an excellent idea of the former first lady, Mrs. Candy Montilla de Medina, and we have supported her, finishing these facilities and renovating and reinforcing the previous facilities in Santo Domingo Oeste, Santiago and San Juan de la Maguana,” said the president.

He specified that the center depends on the Ministry of the Presidency and that it has been reorganized with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education.

He went on to say that this is “a great work; many parents are waiting for it and we are expanding it so that it can reach a larger population”.

In this sense, President Abinader announced that properties have been identified in which six Territorial Therapeutic Intervention Units (UITT) of smaller size, but with the necessary tools to attend children in special conditions, will be installed.

The first three will be delivered in the first quarter of 2024 in Ensanche Luperón, Sabana Perdida and Baní, while for the second half of 2024, another three will be delivered in Las Matas de Farfán, Bonao and Higüey.

The Minister of Public Works, Deligne Ascensión, pointed out that this is a transforming work for the families of this eastern zone.

He added that it is intended to build a labor school next to the new center, which will allow these children to be trained in some trade once they reach adolescence, since there are no centers that provide this type of attention.

With an investment of DR 631 million, it will have highly trained doctors, therapists, psychologists and disability specialists.

Source: presidencia.gov.do

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Dominican Republic Live Editor

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